VirtualRCP Software for Panasonic AG-CX350 Video Cameras via Network Control
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We use the Panasonic AG-CX350 Cameras. These are great cameras but just like most Camcorder Prosumer cameras you need a “professional” way of controlling them remotely. I have tried various ways from using the Panasonic CX ROP app to using the Stream Deck with Companion App and a Plugin and also Skaarhoj RCPv2 product but I always came up short on what I needed to control. Some products control a certain set of features xyz while others can control abc but not xyz. It was a maze of disappointment.
The Skaarhoj RCPv2, although it was designed for that purpose and gives you tactile buttons it just wasn’t stable enough for real production environments. After repeated requests from their support team I eventually gave up on them and their product.
This need for more camera control led me into developing software that can do everything I need to do with the cameras without limitations or lack of features. My future plan is to integrate the Sony RCP’s I have with my software and this will give me tactile control over all the basic camera functions that I need. This software is super responsive and it just works. I have been very impressed with the performance abilities and responsiveness of the controls.